All around us, we hear the message to look to the new, the bigger, the better. But sometimes, the Lord asks us a similar question that He asked of Moses in Exodus 4:2: "What is that in your hand?" Why? While we are looking for something new, He is reminding us of something we already have access to, something within our grasp. That is how it is with our work in Africa. Utilizing both established methodologies and new technologies, we are seeing doors open wide to Derek Prince's teaching all around the continent. The Role Of Radio According to the BBC World Service, "the earliest recording of a radio broadcast [in Africa] was made in 1923 in South Africa." For the past 100 years, the medium of radio has continued—and expanded—its effectiveness in reaching African nations with news, education, and the Gospel. Recalling the changes that God brought about following his marriage to Ruth in October 1978, Derek said: In February 1979, just four months after we were married, my daily radio broadcast "Today with Derek Prince" went on the air on eight stations in the United States. The word God gave me was: "Proclaim! Short, simple messages, easily understood, declaring basic scriptural truths." Derek's mandate from the Lord has certainly been true for Africa. Through the years, and across the globe, radio has consistently been a vital means to disseminate his teaching. In many parts of Africa, we are responding to the plea for radio ministry. We are investing more and more in this medium to reach unreached people who have strong oral traditions but not necessarily good literacy. Click here to read more about this outreach and how the Lord is providing increased opportunities for us to reach more and more Africans. Thank you! |
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