CHAPTER TWO: THE UNSEEN REALM The unseen realm is the realm of life not seen with the physical eyes or perceived with the five basic senses. Many people have ignored that realm of life to their own detriment. It is a realm that cannot be taken for granted as there is too much evidence of its existence.
LITTERED BIBLICAL EVIDENCE We understand that there is an unseen realm when we begin to study the Bible. We find so many proofs of the unseen influencing the seen realm littered across both testaments of the Bible. Such examples are explained vividly in this book as well as themes central to the unseen making such influences in the seen realm. See what the bible says in :
2Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. This verse tells us not to focus on the seen realm but to focus on the unseen realm.
WHERE OUR ATTENTION MUST BE Focus on the unseen the verse states. The reason is simple. The seen realm is temporary: it is subject to change. The unseen realm is eternal. It is not subject to change. The unseen supersedes the seen and has so much power and influence over it that he who will be abundantly successful in life must not ignore the unseen realm but actually focus heavily on it. Our focus must be on the eternal and not the temporary. It is a matter of urgent priority.
THE SEEN IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE If the things that are seen are subject to change, then it is good news to a lot of us who desire to change one thing or the other in our lives or our circumstances. Unfortunately for us, most of us live and are familiar with the seen realm. For that matter, the unseen realm has remained a mystery to us. It is so much of a mystery that we do not venture to know what it is or what it has to offer. Only a select few Christians have decided to cure their ignorance in this area of life and many have found it fulfilling. The most fulfilling has been their discovery of the knowledge that the unseen realm has so much influence on the seen realm so much so that, their influence on that realm causes things to fall in the right places for them in the seen realm.
Jonah, Francis. Influencing The Unseen Realm: How to Influence The Spirit Realm for Victory in The Physical Realm(Spiritual Success Books) (pp. 15-17). BEST SELLERS BOOKS PUBLISHING HOUSE(BESTSELLING CHRISTIAN AUTHORS). Kindle Edition.