Thanks for contacting us. Accordance is Bible Study software, many of our customer probably use Accordance to help them in writing their blog posts, but it is not something inherent to the Software itself.
We have two features, Stacks and Papers, that may help with this in terms of blogging.
Thanks for using LiveChat, and please let us know if you have any further questions.
Wed, 06/28/23 2:23 pm
Message: Can I blog with this product?
The reason I am sharing it is, I wanted to blog with it if the company would be willing to let me. This email indicates Yes. I am currently still figuring out how to use it. Be watching the blog for my first Accordance Bible Study post. Just a thought: Logos Bible Software will probably acquire these guys at some point. If you Google this topic this is one of the search results:
Jesus Christ is alive and living in the hearts and lives of billions of Christians. I am interested in what He is saying and doing in the lives of those who know and love Him and interested in being a familiar and trusted blogger about Him