Dear Friend, At the start of this new year, I want to express how much we value your prayers for our outreach workers. The more progress they make in spreading the Word of God, the more oppression they face. Your prayers really make a huge difference. Our prayer for you is that 2024 will be a prosperous year according to the words in 3 John 2: "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." Speaking about this verse in his teaching series on God's Abundance, Derek Prince says: "To prosper is really to accomplish what you intend to do successfully. In the first chapter of Romans, Paul tells the Christians in Rome that he's praying that he may have a prosperous journey, by the will of God, to them in Rome. In Acts, chapters 27 and 28, we have a description of the journey that Paul actually took. Now, it's interesting to see how it was prosperous. He did not travel first class; he traveled as a prisoner in chains. They experienced a tremendous storm which lasted about two weeks without ceasing. They were thrown up on an island as castaways, and when Paul was gathering sticks to make a fire, a viper bit him and hung onto his hand, but the supernatural power of God kept him from any harm. And after that, there was a tremendous move of the Spirit of God on that island. Ultimately, Paul arrived at Rome. He had a prosperous journey because he accomplished God's purpose, which was much higher than human purpose would have been. So when you think of prosper, especially when you're reading in the Bible, think of it not so much in terms of owning a lot as in terms of succeeding in what you're commissioned to do." We trust you will enjoy reading the testimonies in our Outreach Prayer Focus for January/February 2024. Thank you again for setting aside time to pray for our ministry. The latest prayer needs for Derek Prince Ministries are now available online. Click here or on the image above to view them now, and download a printable PDF file to keep with you. Blessings, Tess Hughes DPM–USA Prayer Support Coordinator |