The Spirit of Grace (Christian Belief For Everyone) Pray Every Day: 90 Days of Prayer from God's Word Drink Deeply: Meditations from The Fountain of Life (audio)
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Wednesday, February 7, 2024
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Excerpt from Hebrews (11) by Ray Stedman Publisher: IVP Academic , 1992 from the set The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (IVPNTC) (20 vols.)
The Nature of Faith (11:1–3) Hebrews 11 has been called the great faith chapter. What, exactly, is faith? If it is so important to the redemptive process, we must have a clear understanding of its nature. That need is supplied in verses 1–2. Faith, according to the NIV text, is always two things: (1) a sense of assurance within us (being sure of what we hope for) and (2) a certainty that there are realities which we cannot see with our physical eyes (certain of what we do not see). A slightly different sense is conveyed by the KJV text, which I prefer at this point. Paul, in Colossians 1:5, sees faith and love as flowing out of the hope awakened by the gospel. Hope, which “springs eternal in the human breast,” comes first. Then, faith sees freedom from sin on the basis of Christ’s sacrifice, a consequent loving relationship to God, peace with one’s neighbors and joy in the midst of life (all what we hope for). These realities, though invisible, are personally appropriated; as a result, love for both God and others flows from the sense of gratitude which faith has awakened. Thus, the famous triumvirate of “faith, hope, and love” are central to all Christian living.
This quality of faith is what the ancients were commended for. This is the theme of the rest of the chapter, consisting of a list of those who triumphed in God’s eyes because of their faith. Verse 3 provides an example of faith’s ability to see invisible realities. No one can see the words by which God brought the universe into being, but since that is the statement of Scripture (Genesis 1 records 9 times “God said”), faith understands that behind everything visible is the invisible command of God. The statement what is seen was not made out of what was visible constitutes a scientific truth which modern physicists recognize: behind everything visible is invisible energy. Faith in God’s revelation is a way of grasping reality, without necessarily comprehending all the steps that may be involved.
Verses 4–38 list examples of this kind of faith in men and women of the biblical past. The American philosopher Henry David Thoreau is famous for the remark, “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” That is a good description of the men and women listed here. They hear another drumbeat which others do not, and this accounts for the way they often act contrary to normal expectations. The first three examples, Abel, Enoch and Noah, show us the nature of faith. The rest show how faith behaves in real life.
The Qualities of Faith (11:4–7)* Though the writer has, throughout the epistle, held up Abraham as our model of faith and perseverance, verses 4–7 indicate that true faith was practiced from the very beginning, even before the Flood. As in a modern docudrama, Abel appears first to testify to the value of faith. He and his older brother Cain lived when the world was young. They enjoyed what we would call today “the simple life,” which clearly included a recognition of God and a need for a personal relationship. Each brought an offering which reflected his occupation: Cain, the farmer, brought fruits and grains; Abel, the shepherd, brought fat from the firstborn of his flock.
It is a mistake to read into this Genesis account any hidden reasons for God’s acceptance of Abel’s offering and rejection of Cain’s. Various explanations have been offered, but the writer is silent about everything except that God “spoke well” of Abel’s offering because it was “better” than Cain’s. The word “better” is pleiona, which means “greater” or “more important” as suggested by its use in Luke 12:23: “Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.” If Abel’s sacrifice was more important than Cain’s, what made it so? The reason suggested is that it came from a heart made righteous by faith! If Abraham’s faith was “credited to him as righteousness” (Rom 4:9), so also was Abel’s. Bruce comments on this, “Sacrifice is acceptable to God not for its material content, but in so far as it is the outward expression of a devoted and obedient heart” (1964:283).
We are not told just how God made known to the two brothers his acceptance of one and rejection of the other. Genesis 4:7 indicates that when Cain learned that his offering was unacceptable, he grew angry and rebellious. This revealed the attitude of his heart toward the sovereign choices of God. Cain’s subsequent murder of his brother showed his stubborn rejection of the opportunity God gave him to repent and to offer again, presumably with a contrite spirit. Cain’s offering was rejected because a heart of pride and self-sufficiency lay behind it. This explanation fits well with the context of Hebrews where the writer repeatedly warns against possessing “an evil heart of unbelief.”
The focus in 11:4, however, is not on Cain but on Abel. By faith he still speaks, says the author, even though he is dead. This is a direct allusion to Genesis 4:10, “Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” It must be linked also with Hebrews 12:24, where our author states that the blood of Jesus “speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.” It is often suggested that the blood of Abel cries out for the final vindication promised to all the saints (2 Thess 1:6–7), but the blood of Jesus speaks of proffered forgiveness. This seems a likely explanation of the continuing testimony of Abel. His faith in God was one of trust and loving acceptance of whatever God sent. He was willing to wait for ultimate vindication of injustice and mistreatment. His faith teaches us that we must often wait for God’s redress of injustice. We do so because we know God cannot ultimately fail to act.
Enoch, the seventh from Adam, appears next on the stage of testimony in verses 5–6. Two important things mark the character of Enoch’s faith: (1) he pleased God by turning away from the godlessness of the world in which he lived and (2) he maintained a daily walk with God which grew so intimate that he was taken to heaven without experiencing death. The Genesis account (5:21–24) indicates that for the first 65 years of his life, Enoch did not walk with God. Presumably he went along with the deteriorating morality of his times, which Genesis 6:5 describes as, “The lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” As Genesis 5:25 suggests, the event which changed Enoch’s outlook was the birth of a son, whom he named Methuselah. Some scholars derive the meaning of Methuselah from the Hebrew root muth, which means “death,” and translate the name “His death shall bring (it).” This would imply a revelation to Enoch of the coming judgment of the world by means of the Flood. The chronology of Genesis 5 places the Flood as occurring the year Methuselah died. In the New Testament, Jude 14–15 mentions such a prophecy given to Enoch, and much of the Wisdom literature of the intertestamental period views Enoch as a far sighted prophet. At any rate, the Genesis account states that from the birth of Methuselah throughout the following 300 years, Enoch “walked with God.” This turn in his life was a result of faith, and since faith always requires a word from God to rest upon, it confirms the idea that Enoch was given a revelation of a coming judgment which changed his life.
The walk with God which Enoch experienced was one of deepening intimacy. A walk implies a journey in a certain direction and at a measured and regular pace. Enoch’s faith flourished as he walked and God bore witness to him that his daily life was pleasing in his eyes. Enoch is an example to the readers of Hebrews of what the writer longed to see happen to them: a steady, daily growth in grace achieved by the inner resources which God supplies to those who take him at his word and act in faith on what he has said. Enoch enjoyed the continuous presence of an unseen Person, and related his life daily to that Person. The result was a fellowship which death could not interrupt. He was translated to glory and was “not found,” implying that someone searched for him for some time, but in vain. He and, later, Elijah are the only two individuals in the Scriptures who never died a physical death. They serve as precursors for a whole generation of Christians who will be so translated at the parousia of Jesus (1 Thess 4:17). We learn from Enoch that faith can draw inner strength from God to such a degree that it triumphs over the ravages of death.
Our author views Enoch’s faith as so outstanding that it constitutes a general example for all time of how to come to God and to live pleasing to him. Without faith it is impossible to please God, he proclaims in verse 6. This brings to mind Paul’s similar assertion, “the world through its wisdom did not know him” (1 Cor 1:21). It is impossible through human reasoning or scientific searching to find God: faith in God’s self-revelation is essential! But that revelation is not confined to Scripture; it begins with nature as Paul forcefully states in Romans 1:19–20 and the psalmist declares in Psalms 8 and 19.
Hebrews 11:6 is a helpful answer to the persistent question: “What about the primitive peoples of the world who never hear the gospel?” This verse says: anyone who comes to him [God] must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Nature presents overwhelming evidence of the existence of God. Elizabeth Barrett Browning has put its witness well:
Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush aflame with God.
But only those who see take off their shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries!
Only a deliberately resistant mind can set aside nature’s testimony to the wisdom and power of an Intelligent Being beyond us. If the witness of nature leads an individual to an honest search for the Creator, God promises to help and reward those who earnestly seek him. More and more knowledge will be granted which, if followed, will lead to Jesus. As Peter declared in Acts 4:12, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” What the writer is implying, by linking verse 6 with the life of Enoch, is that Enoch, seeking God and believing the word he was given, found Christ by faith! So we learn from him that faith means turning from human wisdom to God’s revelation and walking in daily obedience to it until it leads to a fellowship which death cannot interrupt!
The spotlight of witness then shifts to Noah, who illustrates for us a still different quality of true faith. His faith, too, saw what was invisible, namely the coming of the Flood! (vs. 7). He “saw” it because he believed the warning he received from God 120 years before the Flood came (Gen 6:3, 7). Moved by fear of that catastrophe, Noah obeyed God and built an ark of wood, by means of which his whole family was saved. Such obedient faith, the writer states, condemned the world, by showing how wrong it was. This made Noah an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. In the phrase condemned the world, we may rightly visualize the mockery and jeering which Noah must have daily faced as he built a huge ship. He was a hundred miles from the nearest ocean, with a ship many times too big for his own needs, and when he had finished, he filled it with animals! Had he lived in our day he would have been dubbed, “Nutty Noah”! Yet Jesus used “the days of Noah” as representative of the condition of the world before his own return, and indicated that his followers must be prepared to face the same kind of scornful hostility that Noah met day after day.
Noah’s faith persisted despite massive resistance, and that can only occur when there is an inward change of spirit that is caused by the presence of God. That is what is meant by Noah becoming heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. His faith, like Abraham’s, was “credited to him for righteousness.” He is, in fact, the first individual to be called righteous in the Scriptures (Gen 6:9). His sturdy, obedient faith stands forever as an example of persistence against hostility that marks those who are born of God and who cannot ever be lost. In these three men, Abel, Enoch and Noah, we are shown that faith waits, faith grows in intimacy, and faith persists. Without these qualities it is impossible to please God.
The Activities of Faith (11:8–38) “Faith without deeds is useless,” says James (2:20). If there is true faith, there will be consequent actions. The writer now launches on a lengthy section in which he shows the variety of actions that can accompany faith, depending on the circumstances which an individual faces. The one mark that is shared by all these activities is that each is unusual—it is not the normal reaction ordinarily expected of those who face such situations. Faith makes some people act differently than others. They will not fit the common mold or drift along with the multitude. The Faith of Abraham and Sarah (11:8–19)* Already in Hebrews, Abraham has shared with Moses a prominent part as an example of faith in the redemptive process. Again, he appears as the preeminent role model for all believers in Christ. Verses 8–19 are devoted almost exclusively to Abraham’s faith and the author’s comments on it. He singles out the highlights of Abraham’s life, beginning with his call to leave Mesopotamia and culminating with his willingness to sacrifice Isaac at God’s command. At every point, Abraham responded to a promise of God with unwavering obedience. That is the writer’s chief point. God promised Abraham a land, a posterity, a great name and universal influence (Gen 12:1–3). Abraham believed God and left his kinfolk, his present comforts and prospects, and, at the age of seventy-five, set out for Canaan, a land he had never visited and knew nothing about (v. 8). When he got there he lived as a resident alien, residing in tents and owning nothing except the cave of Machpelah in Hebron, where he buried his wife, Sarah. The motive for this remarkable behavior was his anticipation that God would fulfill his promise and produce on earth, a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God (vv. 9–10). It is amazing how far Abraham saw by faith. He lived two thousand years before Christ, and we live two thousand years after him. Yet Abraham, believing that what God had said would take place, looked across forty centuries of time and beyond to the day when God would bring to earth a city with eternal foundations. Abraham saw what John saw in Revelation: a city coming down from heaven onto earth (Rev 21). That is what Abraham longed for; an earth run after God’s order, where people would dwell together in peace, harmony, blessing, beauty and liberty. Because of that hope he was content to dwell his whole life in tents, looking for God’s fulfillment. Abraham shows us that faith seizes upon a revealed event and lives in anticipation of it. Faith gives purpose and destination to life. The hope of achieving a utopian city of peace and universal blessing is what we hold out for even today; “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
The second highlight of Abraham’s faith centered on God’s promise of a posterity (vv. 11–12). This involved Sarah as well, for though Abraham was now a hundred years old, and Sarah ninety, God had expressly told Abraham that he would have a son who would produce a long line of descendants. Paul, in Romans 4:19, observes: “Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead … and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.”
We must not exclude Sarah from this reckoning of those who triumphed by faith, as the NIV rendering of verse 11 does. For though she laughed incredulously when she overheard God’s promise to Abraham that she would bear a son (Gen 18:11–12), nevertheless, God countered her incredulity with the question, “Is anything too hard for the lord?” Those challenging words would surely have been the source of her meditation in the days that followed. Genesis 21:1 states, “Now the lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the lord did for Sarah what he had promised.” God’s invariable method for fulfilling a promise is to awaken faith first in the recipient. Sarah’s growth in grace and spiritual maturity is recognized in 1 Peter 3:6, and all this would powerfully support the design of our author by including Sarah’s name deliberately. She shared with Abraham that faith which produced descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. It is highly unlikely, given our author’s precise use of language, that these two phrases should both describe the same descendants of Abraham, whether they are physical or spiritual. Abraham was first promised seed “like the dust of the earth” (Gen 13:16). Then some thirteen years later, when God announced the birth of Isaac within a year, Abraham was shown the stars and the promise was given, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them…. So shall your offspring be” (Gen 15:5). This widely separated revelation suggests the phrases should be understood as a reference to two lines of posterity: a heavenly seed (as numerous as the stars in the sky) which would embrace all who fit Paul’s description: “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal 3:29); and an earthly line (as countless as the sand on the seashore), which includes all the physical descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob. This would agree with Paul’s statements in Romans 11:11–12 that despite the formation of the church (the heavenly seed), God has not yet finished with his people Israel (the earthly seed). As the writer of Hebrews has intimated, the time will come when God will fulfill the new covenant of grace to “the house of Israel and the house of Jacob.” The blending of these two lines will be found in the city for which Abraham looked, on whose gates is written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel and on its foundations the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Rev 21:12–14). The writer comments, in verses 13–16, on these Old Testament names. They all died, he admits, without receiving the things promised, though they still expected God to fulfill his word to them. The fact that they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance indicates their understanding that the promises were in the future and would have spiritual as well as physical fulfillment. For this reason, their own imminent deaths did not diminish their confidence that the promises would be fulfilled. This lively faith was shown by their willingness to abide as aliens and strangers in the land they had been promised. Toward the end of his life, Abraham described himself as such in Genesis 23:4. Though he and his son and grandsons could have returned to Mesopotamia had they so chosen, as Jacob did for a while, yet their faith in the promise of their own land not only kept them in Canaan, but also led them to understand that eventually they would live in that city of God which would come down from heaven. Because their faith grew to encompass eternal realities as well as earthly prospects, the writer declares that God is not ashamed to be called their God. Once again we see the deliberate link between the visible and the invisible. The land of Canaan was a picture of the heavenly country which would be theirs by faith, as 4:8–9 asserts. Since, as we have seen, “faith is being sure of what we hope for,” this meant that they were already enjoying, in their inner lives, the intimate blessings that the resurrected body promised when the city of God came down from heaven (Rev 21:10). Such inner fulfillment is the gift of faith to those who today are willing to look beyond death to God’s day of perfect fulfillment. We cannot demand instant answers from God for all our earthly problems, but we can welcome them from a distance. We must not lose faith that God will satisfy every promise.
Having expanded our understanding of the faith of the patriarchs, our author returns to the severest test of Abraham’s faith, and its most glorious triumph, the sacrifice of Isaac (vv. 17–19). Emphasis is laid on the fact that Abraham was asked to slay his son Isaac, even though he had received promises that Isaac would establish the guaranteed posterity. Ishmael was also a son of Abraham, but only Isaac was the son of promise. That is the meaning of one and only son. Some have criticized God for subjecting Abraham to such unbearable anguish, but it must be remembered that Abraham’s faith in the loving character of God enabled him to solve this crisis. He reasoned that God was in full control of both death and life; he could restore as well as take. On that basis Abraham was able to carry through what was seen as a grisly task. Little of this is seen in the Genesis account (22:1–10), though Abraham did assure his servants that both he and the lad would return from the mountain. The substitution of a ram for the son was intended to portray that later scene at Golgotha when the Son of God would willingly lay down his life. It is, perhaps, this very scene that Paul has in mind when he writes, “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” The restoration of Isaac to his father’s arms is called a parable (Gk parabolē) of resurrection by the writer. So Abraham’s faith reached the highest pinnacle of faith: belief in a resurrection that would fulfill all the promises of God.
Series: IVP New Testament Commentary
Series: IVP New Testament Commentary
The Spirit of Grace (Christian Belief For Everyone) Pray Every Day: 90 Days of Prayer from God's Word Drink Deeply: Meditations from The Fountain of Life (audio)
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Excerpt from The Unexpected Jesus
Has there ever been any anthem in the history of the church more stirring to the soul, forcing us to our feet the moment we hear its opening strains, as the Hallelujah Chorus? It is Handel’s musical rendition of this scene in the heavenly court, when a lion is introduced, but who appears as a lamb who was slain.
That’s the mystery of the Messiah which was misunderstood by the people in general, and not only by them but also by Simon Peter at Caesarea Philippi. They did not believe that the Messiah could also be the Servant, that the King could also be killed. Only after Jesus was raised from the dead did the early church understand for the first time the classic description of the Messiah as the Suffering Servant of Israel, predicted in Isaiah 53. It was this passage which Philip explained to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:32–35). Anyone who has been a Christian for a short time is familiar with that chapter. It is so rich, so astonishing, yet it was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born.
Jesus was the Lion who rendered himself as a guilt offering (Isaiah 53:10). That’s what it took to be the Messiah. That’s what Peter failed to understand. But later, after his King was crucified on Calvary, he did understand what he had confessed at Caesarea Philippi: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’
R. C. Sproul, The Unexpected Jesus: The Truth Behind His Biblical Names (Fearn, UK: Christian Focus Publications, 2005), 47.
The Spirit of Grace (Christian Belief For Everyone) Pray Every Day: 90 Days of Prayer from God's Word Drink Deeply: Meditations from The Fountain of Life (audio)
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- Another free book: the Life of Christ
- AP publishes hit piece attacking ‘Baby Olivia’
- Archaeologist Excited by Recent Finds in Ancient Shiloh
- Archaeology And The Bible
- Are Christians Conservatives? | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
- Are there still 100 people?
- Are women being warned about this?
- Are you from France? Can you help?
- Arm in TLOT and Mounce
- Army chaplain reports water baptizing over 150 new recruits
- Around the Wicket Gate
- Arthur Pink debunking the theory that the Antichrist is the Papacy
- Article in Smith's Bible Dictionary about Handicraft
- as defined in Mounce
- Asian Students denied admission
- Ask
- August 18
- Augustine’s Two Steps for Interpreting Complex Texts
- Available Now: A Survey of the Old Testament
- Available Now: Daniel
- Babies dehumanized on 'The View'
- Baby born in McDonald’s parking lot
- Baby with Trisomy 18 given the death sentence
- Bad News
- Barbara and Timothy) is on Google Books as a link
- Barnes Notes is here as a link
- Barry E. Horner
- Basics of Biblical Greek Mark Schuler 31 videos
- Basics of Biblical Greek - Session 1 - The Greek Language
- Basics of Biblical Greek Video Lectures
- BDAG and HALOT for just $239.00
- BDAG page 684 screenshot better than copy and paste
- Be Condemned
- Bear
- Being and Attributes of God
- Believe in Others Like Jesus Believes in You
- Bible Hub Search Search results for: saved 25 verses Showing.
- Bible Introduction 101 by Barry E Horner as a link
- Bible journals under $6 and more inside!
- Bible Outlines
- Bible Study from Thompson Chain Reference Bible on Future State of the Wicked
- Bible Study PDF Books in a Library
- Bibles to help you connect with your identity in Christ
- Biblical Chart about Israel
- Biblical Hebrew By Avi Hurvitz
- Biblical Languages Sale! Textbooks
- Biblical Site of Ark
- Biden Admin Caught SPYING on Churches
- Biden criticized for 'weakness' after US soldiers killed
- Big News!!
- Billy Graham on suffering as quoted in the Inspirational Study Bible by Max Lucado
- Billy Graham Physical Books are for sale on the blog today for the first time on this blog post
- Birth control likely caused this sudden death
- Block Quote from Blue Letter Bible Lexicon. and BDAG ἀπολύω
- Block Quote from Gods Not Dead
- Block Quote from Kenneth Wuest regarding the Coming of Jesus Christ for His Church
- Block Quote from The McArthur Topical Bible
- Block Quote from Wuest NT Translation of First Corinthians 13
- Block Quote Luke 10:21-24 WUESTNT
- Block Quote where the 4 women mentioned in the Matthew genealogy are provided with reasons. The Expositors Greek Testament
- Books by Watchman Nee: Basic Lesson Series
- Books for Black History Month 📚
- Books for the Lenten Season
- Born Again
- Born at 14oz
- BOTHER New Testament Verb: παρέχω (parechō)
- Breathe in God's goodness - get bestseller Breath as Prayer for just $10!
- breathed or inspired by God
- Bringing light and hope this Christmas Day 🕯️
- Bringing People to Jesus
- Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
- Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew And English Lexicon
- Bryan Duncan
- Build your own Max Lucado study bundle! 📚
- But is it really “just a women’s issue”?
- but we think The Passion Translation makes a great gift! 😁
- by Daniel J. Treier
- by Thomas Sheldon Green
- California and Corona
- California!
- Called to action
- calling
- Calling the Disciples
- Calvinism
- Cancel the lies that will wreck your life
- cardiologist concludes that near-death experiences are real
- Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch
- cause to spring/rise up
- Ceslas
- Chapter 3: Alphabet and Punctuation - William D. Mounce
- Chapter XIX An Account of the Life and Persecutions of John Bunyan
- Charismatic renewal : the search for a theology by Smail
- Charity Gayle
- Charity Gayle | Awesome August 2023 | Bellevue Baptist Church
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon
- Charles Spurgeon has Advise for Seekers
- Chart of the Kings and Rulers from Visual Survey of the Bible
- Check out "The Expositor's Study Bible"
- Check out all 10 volumes of Kittles from the Internet Archive with this embed widget
- Check out this book: Generation AI by WR Hulkenberg
- chrestos in 4 resources
- Christian
- Christian Ebooks & Resources site as an embed
- Christian parents ask Supreme Court to intervene after CPS removes child from home
- Christian Post: Long Article about Complex Situation in Gaza
- Christmas Sale Reminder! 30% off everything!
- Christmas Sale Starts Early! 30% off everything!
- Christy Nockels
- Christy Nockels and Watermark on a custom Spotify Playlist
- Citizens of Heaven
- City refuses to release 911 audio...
- clear the shelves: save up to 62% for a limited time!
- COMING SOON: Bridging the Testaments
- COMING SOON: Cultural Christians in the Early Church
- Coming soon: Lord Jesus Christ
- Command in the Hebrew is 565. אִמְרָה ˒imrâh
- Commentary "He that gathereth in summer is a wise son; But he that is sunk in sleep in the time of harvest is a son that causeth shame."
- CONCEALMENT—EXPOSURE (800–805) From the Thompson Chain Reference Bible Index
- Conceived in rape
- Concept Review: Proverbs 18:22
- Condemn
- conduct
- Conversion and Call of Paul
- Copy of an email for everyone to read and think about the implications of:
- Couple adopts little boy left at fire station ❤️
- Dallas A Willard follows Yachtsman220 on Twitter
- David Gentiles
- Day of Atonement and the veil of the Temple as explained in Willmington's Guide to the Bible
- Dec 11
- Dec 14
- Dec 21
- Dec 28
- Dec 7
- Dec 8
- December 2023
- Deepen your relationship with Jesus in just 30 days
- Defiled Defined: What “Defiled” Means in the Old Testament Ken Casillas
- Definition of the greek word for "From Above" ἄνωθεν as defined by BDAG and Vines
- Denita Gibbs)
- Dennis Bennett - Testimony - 12-9-1962
- Derek Prince Ministries Collection (32 vols.)
- Derek Prince wrote a book that is now online here:
- Despite media claims
- Destiny
- Devotional: A Heart Set Free
- Devotional: All Creatures Praise the Lord
- Devotional: Anchored to God’s Law
- Devotional: At Death’s Door
- Devotional: Building on God’s Laws
- Devotional: Choosing Life
- Devotional: Friendship with God’s People
- Devotional: Generosity to Those in Need
- Devotional: Hiding God’s Word
- Devotional: In the Day of Battle
- Devotional: Learning from Affliction
- Devotional: Measureless Love
- Devotional: Praise – No Matter What
- Devotional: Promises That Stand the Test
- Devotional: Revived by God’s Word
- Devotional: Settled in Heaven
- Devotional: Sharing God’s Loftiness
- Devotional: The Key to Peace
- Devotional: The Miracle of Redemption
- Devotional: The Purpose of God’s Laws
- Devotional: The Redeemed Say So
- Devotional: Time to Consider
- Devotional: Wisdom’s Foundation
- Devotions by Ken
- diamartyromai
- Diaper companies supporting abortion??
- Dictionary
- Dictionary excerpt about A.W.Tozer
- Did you get your free book?
- Did you know this?
- Did you miss this? FREE SHIPPING is happening now! 🙌
- DIETRICH BONHOEFFER God Is in the Manger Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Dinosaurs discovered on one of Saturn’s moons?
- Direct access to God
- disorderly
- Dispensationalism
- Disturbing Criminalization of Christianity Underway Overseas: Is It Coming to America Next?
- Disturbing trend…
- Do babies feel the ‘Liquid Fire’ during an abortion? written by Dean Smith
- Do Exodus and Numbers Justify Abortion? (Exodus 21 and Numbers 5)
- Do we ask God to Forgive our Sins or our Trespasses? (Matt 6:12)? by Bill Mounce
- Does Amazon Prime offer discounts for seniors?
- Does BibleWorks 10 come with BDAG?
- dokimazo ( (Page 461). Spicq
- Don Moen
- Don Moen On YouTube
- Don't miss our insightful
- Download your free eBook by Derek Prince
- Dr. Frank Damazio
- Dr. Wayne Slusser
- DVDs
- E-book deals during ETS and AAR/SBL conferences!
- e-Sword Free Bible Software
- Early access: enjoy sitewide FREE shipping!
- ebooks
- ed. Gerhard Kittel
- ed. Jana Riess
- Eerdmans at AAR/SBL 2023
- elegmós [rebuke] as defined in the TDNTA
- elénchō [to bring to light]
- élenchos [conviction]
- élenxis [rebuke]
- embed of TLOT
- Embracing God's Commands
- Encounter God in Prayer…Agape
- Encounter God in Prayer…Holy Spirit Help
- Encounter God in Prayer...In Sorrow
- Encounter God in Prayer…Jasper Splendor
- Encounter God in Prayer…The Hope of the Humble
- Encounter God in Prayer...True Source
- Encounter God’s Heart…A Beautiful Path
- Encounter God’s Heart…A Lifestyle of Holy Visitation
- Encounter God’s Heart…Cancelled Debt
- Encounter God’s Heart…Devoted
- Encounter God’s Heart…Fountain of Joy
- Encounter God’s Heart…He Goes Before
- Encounter God’s Heart…Lessons Learned
- Encounter God’s Heart…Living Water
- Encounter God’s Heart…Meditate on the Word
- Encounter God’s Heart...Rewards of Reaping
- Encounter God’s Heart…Shaped by Loyal Love
- Encounter God’s Heart...The Living Expression
- Encounter God’s Heart…The Oil of His Presence
- Encounter God’s Heart…The One We Worship
- Encounter God’s Heart…To Know Him More
- Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture with this Bible
- Ends tonight: free shipping on all orders!
- ENDS TONIGHT! 🎄 shop our after Christmas clearance sale
- ends tonight! gifts as low as $5 + extra 20% off
- endurance quote from TLNT
- Enrich Faith with a Kid-Friendly Podcast!
- Eric Barreto
- Eric Metaxas
- Escape From Reason
- Escape From Reason Index
- Espinoza v. Montana pdf file
- Essentials Bible Study: A Deeper Look at Foundational Topics of the Faith by Greg Laurie
- eupeithes
- Evangelist who was shot in the head is back in church
- even for the mother
- Evie is home for Christmas 🎄
- Excerpt from Acts 1:1 in The Expositor’s Greek Testament: Commentary
- Excerpt from AMG Bible Illustrations about Proverbs 19:20
- Excerpt from Chapter 2 of Influencing The Unseen Realm
- Excerpt from Disciples Study Bible regarding Female Subordination from notes on Gen 3:16
- Excerpt from Hebrews (11) by Ray Stedman Publisher: IVP Academic
- Excerpt from Introduction found in The Expositor’s Greek Testament
- Excerpt from Kevin Livermore's book
- Excerpt from Ruth & Esther Women of Faith
- Excerpt from The Bible Exposition Commentary Vol 1 by Warren W. Wiersbe BE WISE ABOUT … THE LOCAL CHURCH 1 Corinthians 3
- Excerpt from the book Sermon Preparation by Donald L. Cantrell
- Excerpt from the book The Scars That Have Shaped Me
- Excerpt from The Case for the Real Jesus
- Excerpt from The Divine Exchange By Derek Prince
- Excerpt from The Expositors Greek New Testament The Book of ! Peter chapter 2:1 through 4:9
- Excerpt from The Expositors Greek Testament discussion on the famous Love Chapter
- Excerpt from The Holy Spirit and You: A Guide to the Spirit-Filled Life by Dennis and Rita Bennett
- Excerpt from the Life Principles Bible
- Excerpt from the Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee about the Holy Spirit
- Excerpt from The Unexpected Jesus
- Excerpt from Thompson Chain Reference Bible about Nineveh and Sennacherib both are 4418 in the chain reference system
- Excerpt from Tozer
- Excerpt from Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
- Excerpt From Wuest Word Studies In The Greek New Testament analysis of the word "Love"
- Excerpts from Logos Bible Software about the "Firmament"
- Exodus 20:8
- exousia
- exousia (ex-oo-see-ah); Strong’s #1849: One of four power words (dunamis
- Expelling Saddleback signals a problem for Southern Baptist Convention
- Experience an abundant life
- Expositor's Greek Testament
- Expositor's Greek Testament - Hebrews 11
- Expositor's Greek Testament Hebrews 6:1 Thru 6:6
- extended cyber deal! get In the Manger for just $5
- Face Act News item
- Factbook
- Factbook in Logos Bible Software on The Holy Spirit
- Factbook search results for "Thankgiving to God for his provision"
- Faithlife Study Bible background for Matt 16:13–20; also Mark 8:27–29
- Family
- FBI for 'malicious' prosecution
- Feast on Scripture
- Feb 1
- Feb 15
- Feb 2
- Feb 22
- Feb 29
- Feb 8
- February 2024
- Fertility clinic implanted embryos in the wrong mothers
- Fiction deals as low as $5! 😱
- Fill their Easter baskets with God's love this year ❤️
- Final day to get this by Christmas
- Finally there is Archaeological Proof of the Exodus along the banks of the Jordan River
- Find daily inspiration with a new devotional Bible 📖
- Find faith-building gifts
- Find freedom from anxiety with help from Max Lucado
- Follow God’s plan in 2024
- For this is how God loved the world: he gave his one and only Son that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
- Founder an President of Live Action
- Four Views on Heaven
- Foxe’s Book of Martyrs article on John Bunyan
- Francesca Battistelli - Defender feat. Steffany Gretzinger (Official Lyric Video)
- Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt Wins the Michael Ramsey Prize!
- free book of the month from Logos
- Free Books (PDF Format from CALVARY CHAPEL SONORA website)
- Free From Sin
- Free Items from Tony Evans
- free shipping is happening NOW 📦 🎄
- free webinar on Feb. 27th!
- Friday's Bible Art: Deuteronomy 6:13
- Friday's Bible Art: Ephesians 1:6
- Friday's Bible Art: Ephesians 4:30
- Friday's Bible Art: Genesis 3:19
- Friday's Bible Art: Jonah 2:9
- Friday's Bible Art: Luke 2:30–32
- Friday's Bible Art: Matthew 5:44–45
- Friday's Bible Art: Psalm 40:2–3
- Friday's Bible Art: Romans 12:1
- From Page i to page 698
- Fwd: You're Invited! 🙏 December Prayer Event: Join Us as We Pray for Baptize California 2024!
- Gamaliel is introduced in Acts 5:33
- Genealogy of Jesus
- Genesis 9:13 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds
- Geoffrey W. Bromiley
- Get to know our leadership
- Get to know the Bible like never before in just 30 days!
- gifts for kids + an extra 20% off!
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit:
- Girl blamed TX pro-life laws after murdering her baby
- give the gift of God's Word + save up to 55% 📖
- Give the Gift of God's Word on Giving Tuesday
- GK 2751 (S 2511)
- GMA Dove Awards 2023: Brandon Lake
- goateed face of Jesus
- God blesses us so that we might bless others
- God doesn’t just forgive
- God in the Rock
- God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas
- God is using you!
- God’s love as defined in the Greek by Wuest in 1 Peter 4:8
- God’s Presence: Your Anchor Through Any Storm
- Golden Chapters from the Thompson Chain Reference Bible - 4311
- Golden Nugget” Promises
- Good Missionary Strategy
- Good News and Bad News by Bill Mounce
- Google Books featured Book as a Link Biblical Greek Language and Lexicography Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Danker By Frederick W. Danker · 2004
- Grab some tissues for this story
- Greek For A Week Philippians 1 as a link
- Greek for a Week 1 John 3 - 23-24 © 2023 NT Resources | Dr. Wayne Slusser
- Greek For A Week 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
- Greek For A Week 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4
- Greek for a Week with Dr. Wayne Slusser
- Greek word for undisciplined
- Greek Word Study latreuo (λατρεύω
- Greek word study on Hope: Additional section from previous post
- Greek Word Study on Senior Citizen Compensation in the New Testament
- Greek Word Study on the word for Resurrection in BDAG and the Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Septuagint
- Greek Word Study Strongs 1680 Elpis ἐλπίς
- Greek word study using Logos Bible Software on "liberty"
- Grow Your Appetite for God's Word
- grow your faith in 2024 with a new devotional
- Hail Mary the Queen
- Hallelujah Author Carol Bechtel shares with us how she is never tired of teaching
- Halley's Bible Handbook excerpt about Psalms of Vengeance
- Harrison Butker is outspokenly pro-life
- Have Pre-Black Friday Deals run their *course*?
- Have you felt His embrace lately?
- Have you gotten a set of these prayer cards?
- he forgets. He erases the board. He destroys the evidence. He burns the microfilm. He clears the computer.…
- He is eternal
- He looks for the person who is already busy
- Heaven
- Hebrew and Greek Resources 50% off - through tomorrow only!
- Hebrew Word Study Glory
- Hebrews 12 Expositor's Greek Testament
- Help! I Don't Enjoy Reading the Old Testament
- Help! The Saints in My Church Are Driving Me Crazy
- Here is a poem
- His Calling Remains Our Calling
- History Lesson by Jack Hayford
- holiday gift guide + an extra 20% off! 🎁
- Hosea 6:1-3 as a Thompson Chain Reference Bible Project
- How “pro-life” is a 16-week abortion ban?
- How (and How Not) to Memorize Scripture
- How did Guttenberg decide to start
- How Do I Follow Jesus When He Is Not Here?
- How Do I Follow Jesus When He Is Not Here? by: John Piper
- How Do I Search and Find Files?
- How do you reconcile the 2 NT genealogies of Matthew and Luke?
- How the 1948 North Battleford revival impacted the church
- How to correctly interpret the Bible
- How to Defeat Discouragement
- How to Discern If You’re Doing Enough for Christ’s Kingdom
- How to find all the parts to the Thompson Chain Reference Bible Library
- How to Study the Bible According to Adam Clarke using the ASV Bible on the left and Adam Clarke Commentary on the right
- How to Use the BDAG Lexicon
- How We Know The Bible is Authentic
- The Translation of the Word By: Bobby Graham 1977
- Huge savings on Complete Biblical Library ends soon ⌛
- huge savings!
- Human As God Intended
- Human as God Intended Part 2
- Hurry
- hypomenō
- I am in the Father
- I Hear His Whisper..."Abide in my endless love."
- I Hear His Whisper..."All is good in my presence."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Come with me on a holy adventure."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Embrace the mystery."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Eternal blessings begin now."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Exchange your thoughts."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Experience my boundless joy."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Face fear with me."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Find fulfillment in me."
- I Hear His Whisper..."I am true wisdom."
- I Hear His Whisper..."I am your great reward."
- I Hear His Whisper..."I call you to great faith."
- I Hear His Whisper..."I work in the silent moments of rest."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Lay down your to-do list."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Let a roar rise from within."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Look through my eyes."
- I Hear His Whisper..."My healing will come through joy."
- I Hear His Whisper..."My promises are true."
- I Hear His Whisper..."My Spirit is alive within you."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Remember your true identity."
- I Hear His Whisper..."Take a vacation from worry today."
- I Hear His Whisper..."You will see my goodness."
- I will not
- I will not Wuest
- I'll start again Monday...
- I'm blown away...
- If I Believe Jesus Has Forgiven My Sins
- If you enter"Spiritual Gifts" in it you get this result:
- im-raw’
- In Christ Alone is on Spotify
- in disorder atakteō
- In Halot WSOTDICT AND STGHD שָׁאַג šāʾag̱
- In the old dust and debris of the temple yields the book of the law
- In the TDNT
- In this issue: 6 Ways to Find Hope in Heartache
- Inc.
- includes a BDAG block quote
- Injustice from the DOJ
- inspirational gifts for her + an extra 20% off!
- Introduction to CCEL Index listed by Author
- Invest in your spiritual growth
- invitation Greek Word Study
- Iowa House passes ‘Baby Olivia’ bill
- Is It Okay if I Don’t Like Evangelizing?
- Is surrogacy pro-life?
- Is the Aorist Tense Really Vanilla? (Matt 22:7)
- Is the new ‘research’ on rape-related pregnancies reliable?
- Is the US Headed Towards Another Civil War? | Barbara F. Walter | TED
- Is this something you can do today?
- Isaiah and more .... Lent through Eastertide
- ischus
- It Is Finished.
- It’s Time to Start Doubting Your Doubts
- JACOB AND ESAU - A Sermon by Charles H Spurgeon Dated January 16
- Jadon Lavik
- Jan 11
- Jan 18
- Jan 25
- Jan 4
- January 2024
- Jay Sekulow
- Jenn Johnson - I've Witnessed It (Live In Nashville
- Jessica did an update
- Jesus broke bread with his disciples in the upper room (Lk 22:19)
- Jesus is now the mediator between God and all humanity
- Jewish College Professor STOPS Christian... So He Can Be Saved?!
- Jewish man testifies that his faith in Christ gave his Jewishness a purpose
- Jill Biden invites woman who aborted disabled baby to SOTU
- Johannes P. Louw and Eugene Albert Nida
- John Bunyan The Acceptable Sacrifice
- John Piper
- Join Kristen Wetherell for a Live Online Event!
- Jonah preparing to be thrown overboard by the sailors
- Joseph A Fitzmyer
- Josephus
- Journey to the Holy Land with Max Lucado
- Journeys of the Children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan
- Judah and World Powers
- July 21 2023
- Just for you
- Just keeping it simple is really the best way according to the Scripture
- Just released! New resources—Now available in Logos!
- Kathie Lee Gifford with Nicole C. Mullen at the filming of The God Who Sees oratorio
- KC linebacker chose Live Action!
- Keith & Kristyn Getty & Alison Krauss - In Christ Alone
- Kenneth Wuest
- Kenny Jahng: What Church Leaders Need To Know About AI By Jessica Lea -August 2
- Kevin Livermore is on Spotify
- Kevin Livermore's 4k Video announced!
- key issues facing America
- Killing Innocent People
- Kuwaiti royal prince: Abdullah al-Sabah declared his faith in Jesus Christ.
- L10 QuickStart MP Training - Customize The Home Page
- Languages Collection (46 Volumes)
- last call! 📣 cyber deals + FREE shipping ends tonight!
- Last chance to pre-order: Bridging the Testaments
- Last chance to shop the semi-annual sale!
- Lauren Daigle
- Lauren Daigle's Sincere Testimony Gave Me Chills | This is what really happened to Lauren Daigle
- Lead your family closer to God in 2024 with Habits of the Household
- Leap into a slow read - with Nadya Williams!
- Learn biblical Greek FREE: The best resources (in 2022) and why they are NOT enough
- Learn how to withstand pressure – access your free resource!
- Learn the Biblical Greek Alphabet in 12 Minutes
- Learning to Engage with Culture on the Pro-Life Side
- legal
- Leon Patillo Quoted Romans 9:33 in the lyrics of this song
- Leon Patillo sent me this email
- Let Scripture be your guide to prayer 🙏
- Let The Walls Fall Down
- Let us pray for one another
- Life Application Bible Quote: Profile: Sarah
- Life Principle 12: Peace With God is the Fruit of Oneness With God
- Life Principle 28 in the Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible No Christian Has Ever Been Called to "Go It Alone" In His Or Her Walk Of Faith
- Life Surge Riverside
- LifeChat: How Fatherhood
- Pro-Life News Report Friday
- Pro-Life News Report Friday
- Light in the Darkness - The season of Advent
- Lila Rose's message at the West Coast Walk for Life
- limited time: 50% off Max Lucado's Begin Again
- Link to a topic from Paul Walker called The Holy Spirit Gifts and Power
- Link to the New Testament Notes from the Disciple's Study Bible
- Link to the New Testament Notes in The Faithlife Study Bible
- Live Action Supporter: I thought of you
- Live Action video may soon be in schools!
- Logos Bible Software Quickstart for Logos 10 Videos
- Logos Bible Software Result of a search about Blessing
- Logos Bible Software Search on "Apostasy"
- Logos Bible Software Word study on "Clean" all 109 results in 82 articles in 32 resources
- Logos Bible Software Word study on "Gather
- Logos Bible Software: "Abortion is Murder"
- look inside
- Lord Jesus Christ
- Lord Jesus Love
- Loren Cunningham news article
- lots of ways to get it: BDAG from Logos is the best way!
- Luke 16:1–13 The New Testament
- Luke 18:1-8 In The New Testament
- M. A. as an embed
- Magazine Issue New Wine
- Major Announcement
- MAKE CLEAN New Testament Verb: καθαρίζω (katharizō)
- Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of iniquity
- Make Yourself Useful
- Making Wise Decisions
- Manhood and Womanhood
- Manners and Customs of Bible Lands
- March for Life draws tens of thousands
- Mark Houck
- Mark Ward is a comedian
- Marsha's inspiring story
- Matthew 10: 8 as found in the Expositor's Greek Testament
- Matthew 13:10 And the disciples came
- Matthew 27:32 discussion excerpt from the Spirit Filled Life Study Bible
- Max Lucado's On Calvary's Hill – as low as $5 each
- Melodie Malone
- Mere Christianity by C S Lewis as a link
- Merry Christmas
- Merry Christmas from Derek Prince Ministries!
- Merry Christmas from Live Action!
- Merry Christmas from our families to yours!
- Merry Christmas from Zondervan Academic
- Message from DTS
- Message from Our President
- MFI Leadership Conference announcement
- Michael Reeves and Tim Chester Does the Reformation Still Matter? The book is available to read as a pdf now
- Midtribulationism on Got Questions
- Milestone Announced
- Missed Opportunity Bible Illustration
- Mississippi auditor says the government should cut funding to ‘useless’ university degrees such as the social science and humanities
- Monday's Bible Art: 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Monday's Bible Art: 1 Corinthians 13:13
- Monday's Bible Art: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
- Monday's Bible Art: Colossians 3:4
- Monday's Bible Art: Genesis 28:17
- Monday's Bible Art: James 1:4
- Monday's Bible Art: Matthew 5:14
- Monday's Bible Art: Psalm 10:16
- Monday's Bible Art: Psalm 19:7
- More Seats Available for "Staying Hungry for the Bible" Free Online Event with Kristen Wetherell
- Mother refuses to abort twin daughter
- Mounce definition of Joy
- Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words --- Kingdom Life
- Movie Star Kaley Cuoco Says She Was Mom-Shamed
- Movies List
- my choice"
- My Searching Resulted in This Book
- My wife said no...
- n.d.
- NASB The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible in an Iframe
- Natashia Midori
- need some encouragement?
- Never lose a visitor again
- New book: Blessed Are the Peacemakers
- 🆕 Fall 2023 Zondervan Academic Catalog 🚨
- New Features in the ESV Bible App
- NEW from Max Lucado: Stories for Your Soul
- New from N.T. Wright - The Heart of Romans course
- New from N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird - Jesus and the Powers
- New from Susie Larson! Waking Up to the Goodness of God
- New from the Scripture Collective Series: Divine Action in Hebrews
- New International Version from Logos
- New Me"
- New N.T. Wright book - Last chance to pre-order!
- New Name Written Down In Glory / Jesus Is Mine (Feat Charity Gayle
- NEW RELEASE: Mostly What God Does by Savannah Guthrie
- New resources are coming soon to Logos
- New satire video!
- 🆕 Spring 2024 Zondervan Academic Catalog 🚨
- New Testament Reinforcements
- NEW! ESV Reading Plan Podcasts
- News item: Repeal of the FACE act is introduced
- Nikki Haley talks faith
- No one likes to be called a fool
- Nor shadow of turning
- Nor shadow of turning - A study by Rick Livermore
- Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee
- Nov 10
- Nov 13
- Nov 14
- Nov 15
- Nov 16
- Nov 17
- Nov 20
- Nov 21
- Nov 22
- Nov 24
- Nov 30
- Nov 6
- Nov 7
- Nov 8
- NOW AVAILABLE: Cultural Christians in the Early Church
- O' Sifuni Mungu (With Lyrics) First Call
- Oct 16
- Oct 17
- Oct 18
- Oct 20
- Oct 24
- Oct 25
- Oct 27
- Oct 30
- Oct 31
- Oh The Deep Deep Love of Jesus
- Olive Tree Free Resources
- Omega
- on Google Books as an embed
- One Million Bibles: Last Week to Give
- One of the toughest questions about abortion
- Opry Live With Vince Gill
- Our bestselling books of 2023...
- Our Persecuted Christian Family Members Say "Thank You"
- Our Topsy-Turvy World
- our Winter Bible sale ends TONIGHT ❄️📖
- Outreach to the Nations: Restoring Families In Eastern Europe
- Outreach to the Nations: Touching Refugees In The Middle East
- Over 30000 lives saved!
- Overruled
- Overshadowed
- Parable definition from Smith's Bible Dictionary
- Paris Hilton surprise announced a second child
- Parousia In Mounce and BDAG
- particularly in California
- Passion
- Passion - Let It Be Jesus (Live) ft. Christy Nockels
- Pastor Apprieciation Sale!
- Pastor-Greg-Laurie-Talks-Pro-Life-Movements-Future-Post-Roe
- PBC Alumni Highlight: Sara
- penetrate BDAG
- People Are Watching
- Person talking is C.S. Lewis
- Pharmacies start dispensing the abortion pill
- Pharmacists prescribing abortion pills?
- Photo of Trees With Blossoms 🌸
- pierce
- pile up" אגר From HALOT
- Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
- Planned Parenthood: Virginity is "made up"
- Please read this message from Prison Fellowship
- Please Watch John Piper’s Appeal
- Pope Francis calls for an end to this ‘deplorable’ practice
- power
- Praise תְּהִלָּה: HALOT
- Prayer Focus Updates - Please pray for DPM
- Prayers We Should Not Pray
- Praying athletes
- Preborn baby saves mom’s life 💗
- Preface to a complete book available free online here 50 Crucial Questions by John Piper and Wayne Grudem
- Premier Insight Post
- Prepare your heart for Easter
- Preparing to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- President Lincoln and a clergyman praying together at the White House
- primarily “to work for hire” from BDAG
- Prince of Peace
- Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ
- Pro-lifers face up to 11 years in prison
- Psalm 117 as explained by Spurgeon in The Treasury Of David
- Pulpit Collection
- Pulpit Commentary Revelation 22 from Bible Hub
- Q&A
- Quote from 2 Corinthians 7:3 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
- Quote from Mounce about five
- R. C. Sproul
- R.C.Sproul
- Race and Redemption
- Randy Stonehill is featured on Spotify with another Rick Livermore playlist here
- Ransomer
- Rapper MGK opened up about miscarriage
- Reach your Bible reading goals in 2024 with The Everyday Bible
- read the Bible in historical order in 2024 📖
- read the Bible like a novel 📖
- Read this book
- Ready
- rebellious ἀτακτέω
- rebellious; ataktōs
- recompense
- Record-setting micro-preemie is now home
- Registration is now open for the Scottish Dogmatics Conference
- Reinvent Lent with this #1 bestseller
- Rejoice
- Rekindle the joy in your heart with Jesus Always Note-Taking Edition
- Religion on Malta
- Remind little ones how much they're loved this Valentine's Day 💝
- Reprint of God Reports article by Mark Ellis
- Reputed Sayings of Jesus Found in Egypt. Early Collections of the Words of Jesus. Translation of Sayings found in 1897 George Barton
- return
- Revelation 22:2 from Expositor's Greek Testament (server: Bible Hub)
- Revised and Updated By: Edited by Maurice A. Robinson & Mark A. House
- Ring in the savings 🥳 Time is running out on our best January deals
- Roe v. Wade: 51 years ago today
- RTB Learning: Spring Term
- Sabina is on YouTube now!
- Sabina Wurmbrand Movie Trailer on YouTube
- SALE EXTENDED ⚡ deals under $10 end tonight!
- Salvation from the Jews?
- SARA’S STORY by Sandra Ridgeway on CareNet
- Satanic ruler as defined in the Vines Complete Expository Dictionary
- Saturday's Bible Art: 1 Samuel 16:7
- Saturday's Bible Art: 2 Peter 1:19
- Saturday's Bible Art: Genesis 28:12
- Saturday's Bible Art: Joshua 24:15
- Saturday's Bible Art: Luke 15:7
- Saturday's Bible Art: Luke 24:52–53
- Saturday's Bible Art: Matthew 6:28–29
- Saturday's Bible Art: Philippians 1:27
- Saul Why Do You Persecute Me? Educated at the feet of Gamaliel!
- Save up to 55% during our Winter Bible Sale! ❄️📖
- saved by amazing grace
- Says Holy Spirit Hit Him 'Like Fire'
- Scripture Index for the previous post as a post for reftagger script
- Search result when in "The Bible and the Newspaper" book by Charles Spurgeon and the search was for "Opportunity"
- Search Results of "opportunity given"
- Second baby rescued at Alabama Baby Box
- See and know God's Word like never before
- Seeing is Believing
- Sep 2023
- Sermon Illustration about rain and the mud that comes with it
- Serving men vs Serving The Lord
- Set—Wait
- Share Jesus
- She canceled her abortion appointment...
- shift your perspective
- Show your love for LIFE
- Side by Side analysis of the TDNT and the TDNTA for the exact same item (To Pour Out)
- Signs and wonders
- Similar Trisomy 18 story - without abortion
- Simon of Cyrene and The Ethiopian eunuch from Africa
- Sin Is the Opposite of God
- Sitewide free shipping ends soon!
- Sitewide free shipping starts today!
- Six times that the words "Jesus Said" appear together in Spicq
- Slow To Anger search result in Logos Bible Software
- Son of Suffering - Matt Redman (Official Music Video)
- Spurgeon Christ's Glorious Achievements: Christ the Conqueror of Satan
- start 2024 with a grateful heart ❤️
- start 2024 with intention: get The Weekly Habits Project for only $10
- Statistics
- Stock Gifts and IRA Rollover Options
- Stories of Abraham in the book of Genesis
- Strongs Hebrew Dictionary as an embed
- Study God’s Word with R.C. Sproul
- Sunday's Bible Art Isaiah 11:2
- Sunday's Bible Art: 1 Corinthians 6:11
- Sunday's Bible Art: 1 John 4:19
- Sunday's Bible Art: Galatians 5:22–23
- Sunday's Bible Art: Matthew 5:17
- Sunday's Bible Art: Proverbs 4:18
- Sunday's Bible Art: Psalm 97:1
- Sunday's Bible Art: Revelation 21:5
- Sunday's Bible Art: Revelation 3:10
- Sunday's Bible Art: Revelation 5:13
- Sunday's Bible Art: Song of Solomon 2:16
- Support Chinese Christians Facing Oppression
- Synopsis of the Four Gospels
- Systematic Theology : Pneumatology : The Doctrine of Pneumatology The Holy Spirit
- Systematic Theology by Louis Berkhof The Operations of the Holy Spirit in General
- Tabernacle
- Take a transformative journey back to the Cross ✝️
- Targeted Because I'm a Whistle-Blower': DOJ Investigates Doctor Who Opposes Trans Surgeries
- Tasha Cobbs Leonard
- Tate beat the odds
- taught by God; theopneustos
- Tauren Wells is going to be hosting this year
- TDNT 2. The Law as Taskmaster. Georg Bertram
- Teaching Legacy: The Danger Of Deception
- Teaching Legacy: Victory In Praise
- TED Talk on AI and the end of the world
- Tell It Like It Could Be
- Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church (audio) by Paul Washer
- Thanks for Subscribing!
- Thanksgiving every day
- Thayer's Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament with Strongs Concordance numbers is on Google Books as a link
- The “seven deadly sins” of Bible study
- The 365 Day Devotional Commentary November 1 excerpt
- The A.I. Anti-Christ is here... Christian Reaction!
- The acts of Christ are frequently referred to in connection with the word “Forth.”
- The Acts of the Apostles From Thompson Chain Reference Bible Book Outlines
- The Amplified Bible can be checked out now
- The Angel of the Lord
- The answer to: "My body
- The Apostle Paul
- The Ark and the Darkness: Unearthing the Mystery of Noah’s Flood
- The Background for the Book of Ruth by Keil and Delitzsch
- The Believer and the Isolation of the Evil Nature
- the best Bible studies ?? your favorite teachers
- The Best Is Yet to Be Part 1 of 2
- The Bible Knowledge Commentary quoted and Job's Laments are charted
- The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures
- The Black Obelisk
- The Blessings and Boundaries of Hospitality
- The boo k of 1 John Chapter 1
- The Book of John: Background Information and Theme
- The book of Nehemiah may be considered the volunteer’s handbook
- The Book of Proverbs excerpt from Keil and Delitzsch
- The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible excerpt
- The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Excerpt from The Epistle to the Hebrews
- The Christmas Day Excerpt from The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible
- The Collected Works of John Piper
- The Collected Works of Watchman Nee as a link
- The demons are subject to getting ejected in Luke11:14-23
- The Distance the Battle of Armageddon will be from Nazareth is 10 miles as explained in Halleys Bible Handbook
- The Divine Exchange
- the energetic individual.
- The Expositors Bible Commentary is available to check out from
- The Eyes of the Lord: 2 Chronicles 16:8–9
- The first page of a bible with the option of to continue reading it later
- The first page of a different bible with the option of to continue reading it later
- The following are todays list of print books available from Faith Gateway
- The Goodness of God (Live) Jenn Johnson live at Bethel Church
- The greek word "find" as in Matthew 7:7 εὑρίσκω
- The Holy Spirit
- THE HOLY WAR by John Bunyan is on CCEL
- The Idea Of God
- The Incarnation and Birth of Christ by Charles Spurgeon
- The incident involving the chief of a synagogue as explained by Wuest in his Word Studies in the Greek New Testament
- The Intense Life
- The Jewish Gospel of John
- The King's Seat
- The Letters of John the NIV APPLICATION COMMENTARY From biblical text … to contemporary life GARY M. BURGE page 135
- The Lexham Bible Dictionary articles
- The Many Benefits of Scripture Memorization
- The media is lying to you about this “medical emergency”
- The Messiah definition article in BDB
- The Mind Of A Servant
- The New International Dictionary of Theology Vol 1 as an embed
- The New International Dictionary of Theology Vol 2 as an embed
- The New International Dictionary of Theology Vol 3 as an embed
- The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee on the wisdom of doing things with His involvement in them and doing nothing that is apart from Him
- The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee. Chapter 14
- The One who is always with you
- The opportune time is explained here
- The Outline of the Book of Ruth from the Thompson Chain Reference Bible Book Outlines Package
- The Paths of the Sea
- The perfect pro-life stocking stuffer
- The Postgame Show
- The Power of Eternal Thinking
- The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast
- The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Greek-English Lexicon To The New Testament
- The Psychology of Atheism: Defending Your Faith with R.C. Sproul
- The Pursuit of God
- The Pursuit of God By A. W. Tozer
- The Rapture
- The research about babies they’re trying to hide
- The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach page 250
- The Scars Have Shaped Me
- The Semi-Annual Sale is here!
- The Significance of John 14:6 Explained
- the simple way to read the Bible in one year 📖
- The Sluggard’s Farm
- The Sovereignty of God in Romans 9
- The Spirit Filled Life Study Bible Block about Mark 4:11
- The Spiritual Gifts is on YouTube Premium
- The story of Noah's Ark as explained by the Thompson Chain Reference Bible using the Marginal Notes and linking to the Marginal Notes and the Topical Index
- The Story Of Watchman Nee
- The Supreme Court will hear the abortion pill case!
- the tongue
- The topic is Argued by John Bunyan in 1683: My problem is I don't think modern women have any of the listed problems and challenges
- The Tree Of Life
- The Two Gates; The Narrow Gate and the Wide Gate
- The Woman at the Well and the Rich Young Ruler
- The word for a castaway
- The Word of God
- The Work Of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament from The Spirit Filled Life Study Bible
- then start to destroy
- then stop destroying the printing press he invented? He heard voices.
- Theologian Wayne Grudem calls on Trump to drop out of race: 'He would lose the general election'
- There has been a change of direction in my blogging settings
- There is a Bible Gateway Keyword Search section on this blog
- These fraternal twins were born in different years!
- theWordBooks - Nov 2023 Sales
- They want to restore Roe v. Wade...
- They’re burning aborted babies for energy!
- They're still missing...
- This baby survived a tornado
- This bestselling Bible journal is now just $8.99
- This bestselling Bible journal is now just $8.99 🙌
- This blog post is one you will want to bookmark Link to a YouTube Destination Tony Evans videos
- This book is not hard to find
- This family said "yes"
- This is a 1024 page book by John Piper
- This is a blog post about Getting Saved
- This is a link to an entire best selling book as a pdf file
- This is a sermon by C.H.Spurgeon about Paul as Pattern Convert
- This is an excerpt from An Introduction to the Devout Life by Saint Francis de Sales
- This is inspiring
- This is marvelous
- This is the Definition of the words "Charismatic Renewal" as listed in the Nelson's New Christian Dictionary
- This is what you will find inside Halley's Bible Handbook
- This is your last chance!
- This March for Life poster does not support life
- This month is August and the Logos free book of the month Scripture Index is quoted with Hyperlinks built for first 3 books of the whole bible
- This pro-life grandmother is in jail
- This SDA Bronze Library is priced right. Wow!!!
- This series is now on Tubi
- This Spotify Playlist built by Rick Livermore features Steffany Gretzinger
- This state ruled IVF embryos are children
- This story moves me to tears every time
- This story will bring tears to your eyes
- This study Bible is unlike anything you've seen before
- This video has more than 13 million views
- This video saved a baby from abortion
- This viral TikTok video is misleading
- This was discovered Sept 12
- This week only: $2.99 Bible Journals!
- This widow received a ‘beautiful blessing’
- This will be appealed and will be reversed on appeal
- This will encourage you
- Thomas Allan
- Thompson Chain 3415 Sovereignty of God
- Thompson Chain number 1336 Fruitfulness
- Thompson Chain Reference Bible
- Thompson Chain Reference Bible Archaelogical Supplement Link enclosed
- Thompson Chain Reference Bible Excerpt from Chain Index 677 through 700 Christ Jesus
- Thompson Chain Reference Bible Topic number 2824 Prayer as it appears in the Topical Index
- Thompson Chain topic code 217 VIRGIN BIRTH
- Thompson Chain topic code 4195 Prisons Opened
- thought to be unavailable but now available here
- Three courses that pastors and leaders should take.
- Through The Bible - Briefing The Bible .pdf as a link
- Thursday's Bible Art: 1 Peter 5:6
- Thursday's Bible Art: 2 Peter 3:9
- Thursday's Bible Art: Hebrews 10:22
- Thursday's Bible Art: John 10:27
- Thursday's Bible Art: John 17:24
- Thursday's Bible Art: John 21:22
- Thursday's Bible Art: Numbers 6:24-26
- Thursday's Bible Art: Romans 6:22
- Thursday's Bible Art: Romans 7:24–25
- Thursday's Bible Art: Romans 8:37
- Timothy Berg Wrote This Blog Post on the Word By Word Section of
- TN
- to be disorderly; ataktos
- to be king
- to endure; to wait expectantly; hypomonē
- To Everyone
- to keep a look out
- to make king
- Todays Bible Art:
- Tolkien’s Cosmology: Divine Beings and Middle-earth
- Tony Gungy corrects ESPN’s tweet
- Top 10 free logos resources
- Top 10 highlights of 2023
- top gifts under $20! 😱
- Top stories and videos for you!
- Topic is Christianity
- trans. O. C. Dean Jr.
- transform your prayer life with this study on the names of God
- tropé
- Trump
- Tucker Carlson Is Changing…
- Tuesday's Bible Art: 1 Timothy 1:15
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Ezra 9:15
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Isaiah 6:8
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Philippians 2:8
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Philippians 4:6
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Proverbs 21:1
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Psalm 65:11
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Revelation 11:17
- Tuesday's Bible Art: Song of Solomon 1:2
- Two paths after Roe... your choice
- Two reference works are quoted on greek words translated "to be astounded:" TDNTA and TLNT
- Undercover investigation results
- Understanding Biblical Authority
- understanding the Bible just got easier!
- undisciplined
- United States Center for World Mission
- unlock the original languages of the Bible 🔓
- Unpacking "New Year
- Unpacking "No Creed but the Bible"
- Unpacking "Separation of Church and State"
- unproved
- unqualified or unfit is ἀδόκιμος and here is the BDAG and Strongs information on it.
- Up to 50% off: OT & NT Mobile Ed Training Bundles
- Update about bail to get out of jail for Blasphemy in Pakistan being granted in Christian Post Article
- Update on #JusticeForTheFive 💔
- Update on the DC Five!
- Urgent: Walgreens and CVS to dispense abortion pills this month
- US sends Air Force ‘Warthogs’ to Middle East as conflict in Gaza intensifies"
- Vaneetha Rendall
- Various Reference Books definition of desmios (Prisoner) in Greek
- Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament
- Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary excerpt English word for Beget
- Vines Complete Expository Dictionary as an Iframe
- Vogt Ernst
- vol. 2 explains who Theophilus was
- Walking and getting paid to walk
- Wally Amos
- Want to get published in 2024? We can help.
- Warn
- Warning
- Watch "Bible Study: How Greek word studies can lead you astray" on YouTube
- Watch "THAT moment during worship at Passion 2024 | Agnus Dei | "Worthy is the Lamb"" on YouTube
- Watch "The one Prayer that is "Enough" || #prayer #shorts #pray" on YouTube
- Watered Down Wine
- We Are a Light for Israel
- We demand Justice for the Five
- We may be biased
- We're pleased to announce the publication of our Fall 2023 Zondervan Academic Catalog
- We're saving you a seat! 🪑
- Wednesday's Bible Art: 1 Peter 2:25
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Daniel 3:17
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Genesis 2:18
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Genesis 32:10
- Wednesday's Bible Art: John 6:68–69
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Judges 6:13–14
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Matthew 10:42
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Psalm 24:1–2
- Wednesday's Bible Art: Psalm 8:1
- Weekly Blog Update
- Weekly Digest
- Weekly Digest From John Piper
- Welcome Email Forward to the blog: Next steps…
- Welcome to Crossway Newsletters!
- Welcome to Greek for a Week
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2 - 17-20 Diagram
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Lesson Paul's Example of Ministry (2:13-16)
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:14
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 Lesson Paul's Example of Ministry (2:13-16)
- Welcome to Greek for a Week 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Diagram
- Welcome to The Logo 📚A Monthly Newsletter from Eerdmans
- What Are Angels
- What Are Demons
- What Authority Does a Husband Have over His Wife?
- What Great Leaders Are Like And How To Be One
- What I told the United Nations…
- What Is a Biblical View of Justice?
- What is Advent? 🕯️
- What people are watching
- What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Pro-Life
- What the Bible says (and doesn’t say) about angels
- what this debate is really about
- What this Super Bowl ad fails to show
- What us your Eye in the Needle? repost of a popular post on a discontinued blog
- What's a pro-woman approach to the life issue?
- What's your story?
- while we wait...
- Whose work is it?
- Why Are Christians Told Not to Love the World? (1 John 2)
- Why Are There So Many Bible Translations?
- Why did Jesus speak in parables?
- Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?
- Why Emma Stone’s new film nearly broke a child sexual abuse law
- why I love Study Gateway
- Why Is Love Called the Greatest of These? (1 Corinthians 13)
- Why my friend Lynn embraced life
- Why speakest thou in Parables? in Expositor's Greek Testament
- Why Was a Man Killed for Touching the Ark of the Covenant? in 2 Samuel 6?
- wife seek millions in lawsuits against DOJ
- Will You Pray?
- Will you spend the next 100 days with Jesus?
- Winter warehouse sale 📦❄️ limited quantities
- wise and great but TULIP is also
- Witness the glory and love of Jesus.
- Wives in the Bible
- Word as the word for the Wuest word study
- Word by Word Weekly
- Word by Word Weekly What Is Repentance? A Moving Description by Charles Octavius Boothe
- Word by Word Weekly for 2/17/2024
- Word Senses Audio and Video Training Session from Logos Bible Software
- Word Study on the word "Gold"
- Words of LIFE: Don’t Settle For Less
- World record stands at 18272
- worthless
- Would You Help Us?
- wounded
- Wuest NT
- Wuest Word Studies in the Greek New Testament Vol 3 page 60
- Wuest's Word Studies in the Greek New Testament First John 1:1-2
- You and I are being forced to pay for abortions
- You are invited
- You can help a mom like Cindy
- You can make a difference for pregnancy centers 💗
- You need to see this photo…
- You Need to Think About What You Think About
- You seem curious.
- You Should Know Irenaeus
- You’ll enjoy this
- You're in
- Young Christian Sentenced To Hang
- your best days are you believe it?
- Your hard times can be holy times
- Your link expires at midnight
- Your Monthly Resources from DTS
- your signature is needed
- YouTube
- Zebedee Actor From 'The Chosen' Breaks Down in Happy Tears
- Zondervan Academic
- Zondervan Academic 1 DAY ONLY: 50 e-books up to 88% off!
- Zondervan Academic: 7 tips for understanding Revelation
- Zondervan Newsletter
- Zondervan Old and New Testament Introduction (2 vols.)
- ʾappiryôn
- Ἀγαπάω
- Ἀγάπη
- Ἀγαπητός
- ἀνακαλύπτω
- ἄτακτος
- ἀτάκτως atakteō
- δημιουργέω and κτίζω κατασκευάζω meaning to build something.
- διακρίνω The greek word for Waver To Make A Distinction or Difference To Judge To Decide a Case
- διδάσκαλος
- διϊκνέομαι to move through a three-dimensional space
- δικαιοσύνη the quality of being upright
- εἰσδέχομαι eisdéchomai
- εὐσέβεια eusébeia
- θεοδίδακτοι
- θεόπνευστος theodidaktoi
- κληρονομέω
- νομός
- φίλος
- אבה
- תּוּר Word study on the hebrew word for to peep through
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- San Juan Capistrano, California, United States
- Jesus Christ is alive and living in the hearts and lives of billions of Christians. I am interested in what He is saying and doing in the lives of those who know and love Him and interested in being a familiar and trusted blogger about Him