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Saturday, January 27, 2024

10 Things You Should Know about American Criminal Justice

Criticism of the criminal justice system is not un-American; rather, it is quintessentially American. Skimming the Declaration of Independence, one realizes that the colonists were also quite concerned about abuses of the criminal justice system by King George III. What should we know about how our justice system works, and in what ways could it be improved?
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The Spirit of Grace (Christian Belief For Everyone)

Pray Every Day: 90 Days of Prayer from God's Word
Drink Deeply: Meditations from The Fountain of Life (audio)
 For month of January 2024
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Try these Logos Bible Software Discount codes


Premier Insight Post

This post from Premier Insight is for you, the reader:

I’m reaching out to you with a sense of deep conviction and real urgency.

Here’s why:

I believe God is calling you and me to make 2024 a year of unprecedented impact as together we seek to engage our culture for Christ.

I know you share this vision. But for it to become a reality, 2024 must get off to the strongest possible start.

That’s why I’m asking you to renew your support for Premier Insight today to help meet a vital $20,000 need.

As you’ll be only too aware, the decline of authentic Christianity is accelerating at a worrying pace across the nation. Biblical literacy is evaporating, and countless believers are ill-equipped to defend their faith against the angry and antagonistic rhetoric of our day.

It’s a sobering trend. Yet, at the very same time as this decline, we’re also seeing a growing spiritual hunger across the country.

In fact, a recent study by Barna Group revealed that 80 percent of Americans are open to a conversation about Jesus!

Both these trends – the decline of Christianity alongside this growing spiritual openness – mean that America is crying out for a clear and courageous Christian voice in 2024.

That voice is Premier Insight.

And that’s why I’m counting on your best gift to help meet the pressing $20,000 need today!

Yes, your generosity will set the course for the months ahead as you help make it possible to reach millions of people through your favorite content like Unbelievable?, Ask NT Wright Anything, and The C.S. Lewis Podcast.

Plus, you’ll also help bring to fruition bold pioneering plans including:

  • An exciting pilot project to give a new generation of young apologists a platform to reach our culture
  • New channels to equip local churches with relevant and accessible apologetics content
  • Premier NexGen – an online resource hub to equip parents and youth leaders to engage young people with biblical truth
  • Development of new online apologetics training courses, to equip you to share and defend your faith

What’s more, your support will underpin the growth of Premier Insight’s growing library of resources – like our brand-new podcast titled Spurgeon’s Sermons hosted by Rick Warren.

Let me say again that your gift today is vital to strengthen Premier Insight’s Christian voice in 2024 – a voice that will not only equip and empower believers like you to stand firm for Christ, but will also present the claims of the Gospel in engaging ways to spiritually hungry people across America.

People like Alistair, who shares…

“As an atheist, I've found your content to be a highly interesting and effective tool for deliberately scrutinizing my own beliefs and challenging my own biases.”

Stories like this one are the reason I’m so grateful for your support at this pivotal moment – so please do give generously today.

May God use your partnership to make 2024 a year of eternal significance in many more lives!

Best wishes,

Peter Kerridge
President of Premier Insight

I’ll keep Premier Insight strong in 2024! ►


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The Spirit of Grace (Christian Belief For Everyone)

Pray Every Day: 90 Days of Prayer from God's Word
Drink Deeply: Meditations from The Fountain of Life (audio)
 For month of January 2024
Ongoing Free item strategy:

Try these Logos Bible Software Discount codes


Announcing: Commissioned partnership between Logos Bible Software and Rick Livermore

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San Juan Capistrano, California, United States
Jesus Christ is alive and living in the hearts and lives of billions of Christians. I am interested in what He is saying and doing in the lives of those who know and love Him and interested in being a familiar and trusted blogger about Him