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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

If you are interested in volunteering for a worthy cause, visit this one!

The reason I am blogging about this worthy cause ( is because I am on their snailmailing list. I enjoy reading the mail from them and I was curious about what I as a blogger could do to help. They suggested that I visit the above web location in order to help. Here is the Facebook location:

 I am relaying that information to you here. If you also want to get on the snailmailing list just contact them here by voice  760-744-1313 or here for text: 760-216-9273.

Announcing: Commissioned partnership between Logos Bible Software and Rick Livermore

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San Juan Capistrano, California, United States
Jesus Christ is alive and living in the hearts and lives of billions of Christians. I am interested in what He is saying and doing in the lives of those who know and love Him and interested in being a familiar and trusted blogger about Him