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Saturday, March 2, 2024

Unpacking "No Creed but the Bible"


Unpacking "No Creed but the Bible"


Carl R. Trueman


Many Christians from non-denominational evangelical backgrounds may well have heard the phrase "no creed but the Bible" at some point. As a statement it is concise and clear. But the key question is, Is it a faithful and useful principle for guiding how we as Christians think about Christian truth and authority?

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"It Changes How We Think"—How Reading the ESV Bible Affected Jackie Hill Perry

When you read the Bible out loud, you notice things you wouldn't otherwise notice. Jackie Hill Perry shares an observation she made while reading the ESV Bible aloud, and how listening to audio Bibles give us a different way to hear, understand, and apply God's word to our lives.

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"Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist."


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"Prayer is not a checklist. It's a heartcheck." 

—David Murray on how prayer pivots the heart to God

Ministry Update

What the Croatian Church Really Needs

Most Croatians, while claiming to be Christian, don't know the truth of the gospel. Stevo Vuletić has set out to see the gospel preached in truth to men and women throughout Croatia by partnering with Crossway to make resources available in their language. 
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